Conversion Queen : 👉🏻 I know you have a lot of ideas but feel you are not using them at their best right now. 

👉🏻 You feel frustrated with yourself; marketing & messaging makes you feel stuck with giving your own voice to things.

👉🏻 You sit down to write a post or show up on stories but MIND BLANK sets in or perfectionism rears its ugly head and you find yourself editing it 100 times before you release it.


What if you...  


✨ Had a structure, the knowledge and the knowing that you can create compelling content that converts your ideal clients without having to do outreach

✨ Felt so magnetic to your ideal clients from the message you share and the energy you bring online. 

✨Had a bespoke visibility content strategy system for selling online which brings in consistent clients.

✨ Had consistent support and guidance to show up on social media.

Woke up to DMs from people wanting to sign up to work with you.


Think of Conversion Queen as the last solution you’ll ever need to convert consistently through your content on Instagram without having to download another Content Template PDF again 👏


Conversion Queen is my eight week immersive, action taking container that empowers you to become irresistibly visible online, creating content that consistently converts your ideal dreamy clients. 


I created it because I was tired of seeing incredible female entrepreneurs being held back by marketing and messaging and feel stuck when it comes to speaking to their ideal client because their content isn’t converting right now and something tells me you are too 👀 


Let's Connect: ✨


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