Do you ever get the feeling that you know inside you that you are made for more. Made for more than you have done so far, made for more than you are doing today. Made for bigger, brighter, exciting opportunities?  

Then this is your sign to play bigger.


1. Connect back to your vision 

Your vision, your purpose, your mission, your why - it’s very easy to lose sight of this on the day in, day out of life, and actually through all of the upleveling you are doing it could potentially have gotten bigger or grown, which is really bloody exciting. So to have a practice, a process that allows you to come back to this is magical. Maybe it’s through scripting, updating your vision board, sitting and visualizing, using music to take you into that place, talking to someone about or literally writing it down. Come back to your purpose.


2. What’s keeping you in the zone of comfort right now?

I know exactly what is keeping me safe right now, do you? Remember your subconscious mind is here to keep you out of pain. It will be subconsciously retracting you from ‘scarier’ things because of this. Hence why I had this massive realisation that I am in fact playing small in my life right now. The moment we are aware of this we can start moving through it. Whether it’s busting the limiting beliefs, changing the story, switching the thoughts, doing the pain vs pleasure exercise or adding affirmations into your day. Keep reminding your subconscious mind that it’s safe, it’s safe for me to play bigger, it’s safe for me to move out of my comfort zone, it is safe for me to grow into my biggest, bravest, most amazing self. 


3. Challenge Yourself

You truly don’t know what you are capable of until you take the action. You can think about the steps, reverse engineer the process and make your to-do list until you are blue in the face but these are not moving you forward. Ok they might be prepping you to move you forward but not actually making you move. 


So I challenge you - as I am challenging myself, to do a BIG ACTION this week. Something that is completely uncomfortable and way out of your comfort zone to prove to your goddamn self that you CAN.


4. Be honest with yourself 

I have been honest with myself this weekend, I have called myself out. I have called the stories out, I have called the bullshit excuses out and I have honestly looked at myself and said ‘Bec, you are truly capable of much bigger than right now’. Bringing that honesty in is so empowering, not only to move you forward but to set yourself up for success. The more honest you can be, the more you will stop promising things and disrespecting yourself when you don’t do them. 


5. Identify what player bigger will give you

Like I said in point 2, the subconscious wants to keep you out of pain but if we prove to the subconscious all of the fricking epic things you will receive, opportunities that will open and things you will achieve if you do play bigger it starts to allow a new neural pathway to be formed. Make a list of all the pleasures you will get from playing bigger, all the gifts, open doors, windows you will receive by playing bigger. By stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to grow in life. 


The life you desire is literally waiting for you. It keeps looking at it’s watch wondering when the fuck you are going to arrive, but let me tell you. It’s only you that holds that power, it’s only you that holds that key. Are you game enough to take the chance, as scary as it might be and play bigger?


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Do you ever get the feeling that you know inside you that you are made for more. Made for more than you have done so far, made for more than you are doing today. Made for bigger, brighter, exciting opportunities?  

Then this is your sign to play bigger.


1. Connect back to your vision 

Your vision, your purpose, your mission, your why - it’s very easy to lose sight of this on the day in, day out of life, and actually through all of the upleveling you are doing it could potentially have gotten bigger or grown, which is really bloody exciting. So to have a practice, a process that allows you to come back to this is magical. Maybe it’s through scripting, updating your vision board, sitting and visualizing, using music to take you into that place, talking to someone about or literally writing it down. Come back to your purpose.


2. What’s keeping you in the zone of comfort right now?

I know exactly what is keeping me safe right now, do you? Remember your subconscious mind is here to keep you out of pain. It will be subconsciously retracting you from ‘scarier’ things because of this. Hence why I had this massive realisation that I am in fact playing small in my life right now. The moment we are aware of this we can start moving through it. Whether it’s busting the limiting beliefs, changing the story, switching the thoughts, doing the pain vs pleasure exercise or adding affirmations into your day. Keep reminding your subconscious mind that it’s safe, it’s safe for me to play bigger, it’s safe for me to move out of my comfort zone, it is safe for me to grow into my biggest, bravest, most amazing self. 


3. Challenge Yourself

You truly don’t know what you are capable of until you take the action. You can think about the steps, reverse engineer the process and make your to-do list until you are blue in the face but these are not moving you forward. Ok they might be prepping you to move you forward but not actually making you move. 


So I challenge you - as I am challenging myself, to do a BIG ACTION this week. Something that is completely uncomfortable and way out of your comfort zone to prove to your goddamn self that you CAN.


4. Be honest with yourself 

I have been honest with myself this weekend, I have called myself out. I have called the stories out, I have called the bullshit excuses out and I have honestly looked at myself and said ‘Bec, you are truly capable of much bigger than right now’. Bringing that honesty in is so empowering, not only to move you forward but to set yourself up for success. The more honest you can be, the more you will stop promising things and disrespecting yourself when you don’t do them. 


5. Identify what player bigger will give you

Like I said in point 2, the subconscious wants to keep you out of pain but if we prove to the subconscious all of the fricking epic things you will receive, opportunities that will open and things you will achieve if you do play bigger it starts to allow a new neural pathway to be formed. Make a list of all the pleasures you will get from playing bigger, all the gifts, open doors, windows you will receive by playing bigger. By stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to grow in life. 


The life you desire is literally waiting for you. It keeps looking at it’s watch wondering when the fuck you are going to arrive, but let me tell you. It’s only you that holds that power, it’s only you that holds that key. Are you game enough to take the chance, as scary as it might be and play bigger?


Let's Connect: ✨


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