You've heard the phrase, what you focus on, is what you get.  

And that is exactly right.

It's so true.


The more we focus on what we want to bring in, the more we focus on how our life will be, the more we focus on the woman that we want to be, the quicker it will start coming into your reality.


Because what you focus on is what you get.


Now, this can be our enemy, or it can be our best friend.


And I say enemy, because if you're focusing on the things that you don't want right now, if you're focusing on the things that you don't have, if you're focusing on the things that you don't want in your life, guess what, you'll bring more of that in.


So today, I want you to make the decision that you focus on all the things you do want.


All the things that you want to bring into your life, all the things you want to be all the things you want to do. All the things that you want to have, the places you want to go, the people you want to meet, the things you want to see.


Focus on those.


And the moment that that focus grows stronger and stronger, and you're scripting every day, creating the plot of your dreams, the more the universe is going to hear.


You start vibrating in a different energy.


You start stepping into the person that already has that.


Because you believe that you can, you know what that you can and you trust that you can. So what do you want, that's what I want you to focus on.


Not your reality right now. Because it merely is your reality right now. It doesn't have to be your reality for the rest of your life.


You can change that.


You can change the focus and change the trajectory now. Feel it coming into your body, seeing yourself as that person that you are dying to be focused on her.


Focus on your new reality, your new goals, your new dreams, your new aspirations, your new life. It's not too far away, it's never too far away. And the more that you concentrate on what you want, rather than what you don't want, you will start to see the shifts, you will start to open the RAS system, you will start to see the opportunities that potentially have been knocking on your door since day dots.


Focus on what you do want right now, today.


So what is it?


What is it that you want? Who is it that you want to be? What do you want to do? What do you want to have?


Every day, tap into that reality. Tap into that visualisation, that picture, that dream, that goal. Make it yours.


Because you can because you decide, because you know, because you trust!


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