Just imagine with me, 

Every dream, every goal, every desire is with you right now.

Every journal entry that you've made, every photo that you've printed off for your vision board, is here, within you, around you, feel how it feels.

All of your dreams, your goals, your aspirations, already being here, already being alive, feeling, how it feels.

Breathing, how it feels, showing up how it feels, and knowing that you made this happen.

You made this come to life. You made this work.

You never, ever gave up.

No matter what happened.

No matter what challenges you faced, no matter what came your way.

You overcame them.

You cut them down like branches in a forest. And you have arrived.

Every single thing that you dreamed or every single thing that you wanted.

Every single thing is here.

It's here, and it's real, and it's coming and it's now you know it, you can feel it. And you've done it. You've done it by never giving up.

You've done it by never giving up code. By always trusting yourself believing in yourself and knowing every day that it's on the way, your dreams, goals and aspirations are on the way you just need to believe.