It's time to arise, to rise, to emerge, to be you, to be free.

You are the one with the steering wheel. You are the one with the power. You call the shots.

You speak the truth.

You are born to be you and more. So much more.


Never dull your light. Never hide your sparkle.

The past has passed and from now on, you are ready, ready to arise.

Ready to say, "Hey world, it's me. Here I am".

In all your beauty, all your talents, all your love, all your desires, all your dreams, all your goals. You've been quiet for long enough. It's time to stand up, to stand out, to be you, to be seen, to be heard.

To stand in your beauty, to stand in your power and let people see you shine.

Because you are enough, you have always been enough and will always be enough.

So if you're listening to this today, I want you to know deep down inside your heart.

You are worthy.

You are worthy of everything coming to you. You are worthy of everything that has been. You are worthy of everything that is entering your life right now.

And it's time, it's time for you to arise.

Feel the wind in your hair.

Stand up and say this is me.

These are my values. These are my goals. These are my dreams.

I'm here to move mountains. I'm here to change lives. I'm here to make the world a better place and I will live into that every single day.

Because I am worthy. I am enough.

I am rising like the Phoenix out of the ashes.

Every day I step into my higher self.

She is me and I am her and I am ready.

I've always been ready. I was born ready and today is the day that I arise and I say I am enough.

I am ready to arise.

I'm ready to stand up, to stand out, to arise, to know that I'm always enough.

And more importantly, I'm ready to be me.