Welcome to your higher self.


The woman who knows, who knows how she shows up, how she behaves, how she acts, and how she feels.

She's there, right in front of you. gleaming, glowing, and absolutely standing in her power.

Welcome her in.

Every day she is here with you.

She may knock on the door. Are you gonna listen to me today?

But she knows. She knows all the answers because she's been through it. She knows what you're capable of. She knows what you're going to achieve. And she knows what to do in the face of fear.


Listen to her every single day.

How can you tap into that feeling?

How can you show up for the person that you want to become?

Because every day you start your day like that, you start becoming the person you want to become.

It's not that far away.

She's not that far away, and she is already in you.

You know that? I know that. We all know that.

And every time we spend a moment, just a moment, tapping into the person that we want to become the person that is already inside of us.

The person that sees those big dreams, those big goals, and goes "You know what, I'm doing this! I'm actually doing this, fear and all."

Hello, higher self.

Welcome, her in.

See her standing there in her beauty.

What colour does she have glowing around her?

What does she look like?

How does she feel?

What thoughts does she have every single day?

What does she want to tell you?

Know, it's not too late. Ask her now.

Who do I need to be you today?

And whatever answer she comes back with is exactly what I want you to do today. Because I want you to step into your higher self every single day and she does too.

She's ready and waiting. She's prepped and she has been waiting for you.

Maybe she's been waiting months, years, weeks or days.

But she is ready and you are ready.

And this is your message today to tap into your highest self every single day because you and her are one, and always will be.

Let's Connect: ✨

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