Let’s find out. And If you are, today I’ll show you how to STOP comprising in all areas of your life.

It’s time to uncover and discover…

1. How you may be compromising.

2. How to STOP compromising.

Kim McMillen said it well, “When I loved myself enough I began to accept the unacceptable.”

Are you accepting or not?

Are you acceptable? (Accept-able?)

What are you accepting?

What’s “unacceptable” for you?

Create your list of “acceptable” and “unacceptable.”


Are you accepting of you?

We spend too much time “ex-cepting.” This is what keeps us from clearly acknowledging and accepting our “expecting.”

This is how to stop compromising…

You must know what you accept and what you expect.

Start ACCEPTING what you’re EXPECTING.

Then, start expressing it.

What you accept, unaccept, and expect.


In all areas. At all times.

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.)


Create your “acceptable” and “unacceptable” list.

Make a declaration that you will no longer COMPROMISE on your acceptable or unacceptable.

(This is based on the profound little book, When I Loved Myself Enough by Kim McMillen and Alison McMillen-Givnish. You can order a copy HERE.)

Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you.

If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE... Request a FREE copy of my best-selling book, Date Yourself Well — The Best-Selling 12 Engagements Of Becoming The Great Lover Of Your Life (all you'll pay for is shipping.) www.dateyourselfwell.com

If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: [email protected]


FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @doctorshannon! See you there...

Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WSOLMovement/

By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: letsnottalkaboutex.com, and cast your vote for your favorite version.

Visit WomenSippingOnLife.com for more free resources, including my CHECKLIST FOR CHANGE, Engagement Checklist + Evaluation Rating, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, Date Yourself Well. You can also check out my Dr. Shannon Facebook Pagefor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING.

I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY.

xo Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch our WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast…

Intro/Outro done by UNI V. SOL 

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter (www.ourmusicbox.com) 

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (www.webdesigncreator.com)

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (www.kmcaptured.com)