Today I'm going to share one of my personal struggles with you, and how I'm slowly, but surely, overcoming it. If you're an interrupter, or know one, today's message will help you. 

Are you an interrupter? Or am I the only one?

I’ve struggled with this my entire life. Part of it has to do with the fact I get so excited. I love to talk, and sometimes it feels as though I can’t even help but interrupt myself and others.

HOWEVER…it IS possible. 

I’m a work in progress on this topic, but this is what’s helped me.

LISTEN to your heart. Then listen with your heart.

Where in your life are you interrupting yourself?

Stay focused on ONE thing at a time.

Is impatience causing you to stop yourself?

It’s time to stop suffering from this. Remember, suffering is a choice.

It’s optional.

If you no longer choose to suffer from interrupting yourself or others, try the following...

1. Pause. Take a deep breath of inspiration.

2. Focus on your expected outcome.

Get clear on this. Oftentimes interruptions are simply distractions. Being very clear about what you’re focusing on will help minimize distractions and interruptions.

Move straight ahead. One step at a time. One sip at a time.

3. Listen to yourself and others.

This includes listening to the feedback from your own life. This allows you to stay tuned in to your expected outcome.

What’s it telling you? What adjustments need to be made to continue to move forward…without interruption?

What are you doing? Why are you doing it?

Stay tuned in to your heart.

Interruption cuts off valuable energy, and momentum.

Today’s the day to STOP...

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.)


Write down where you're interrupting yourself in your life. Or where you've taken yourself off course.

Identify it. Circle it. Make a commitment today to stay the course, get yourself back on track, and keep moving forward.

Thank you for being here, and allowing me to sip on life with you.

Please come over to for some free resources, including my Engagement Checklist + Evaluation Rating, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, Date Yourself Well. You can also check out my Dr. Shannon Facebook Page for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING.

I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY.

xo Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch our WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast…

Intro/Outro done by Uni V. SOL 

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter ( 

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (