If you’re feeling like it simply feels TOO BIG…whatever it is that’s in front of you…then today’s episode is for YOU. Today I'll show you 3 S.I.P.S that'll help you in the process of sipping on life. Even the BIG things.

Perhaps you have a BIG dream, but for some reason it doesn’t feel like it’s happening. You feel overwhelmed, like you’re barely treading water. It feels like it's TOO MUCH. It's too big. There's so much to do.

Yesterday I had a day like that. For some reason when I woke up I just wasn’t feeling it. There was so much to do. So I committed to doing ONE thing. I told myself that I’d do one thing, then take a break.

By the time I finished it, I was on a roll, so I kept going. I started with ONE thing. Next thing you know it was 7:00 or 8:00 last night, and boom…done. I had accomplished everything I had set out to do, and then some.

It’s amazing how this whole philosophy of sipping on life really works.

One sip at a time. That's it, my dear. One step at a time. One thought at a time. One thing at time.

This is coming from a reformed multi-tasker. I used to be the MASTER multi-tasker…trying to do it all at once.

What I’ve found is that you can do it ALL. You just can’t do it all at once. You can have it all, and you can HAVE IT ALL at once. But you can’t have EVERYTHING at exactly the same time.

Do you understand what I’m saying?

You have to define what your ALL is. Then you can have it all…ONE SIP AT TIME.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time.

I’ve climbed mountains, and all I was thinking about was the next strategic step. That’s it. The next climb. The next level up.

Each time I went to the next level it took a lot of trust.

Trust to leave where I was, and go to the next place.

Are you willing…are you ready…to leave where you are, and go to the next place?

Are you willing to leave THE SIP, and go to the next SIP?

I believe you are.

Here are 3 things that will help you in the SIPPING process:

1. Your S.O.L. matters. Your SACRED S.O.L.

You matter. Your day matters. Every SIP. Every step. Every minute and moment of your life matters.

You have SO much available to you. Every second (SIP) counts. Are you making it count for you?

2. Your feelings matter.

What inspires you?

Are you feeling INSPIRED? If you’re not, then what are you doing?

Today’s the day to dissect that feeling. Feel it, and get to the bottom of it. Instead of saying, “I know I should. I know I shouldn’t. I’ll get to that someday…”

Time flies by, what are you waiting for?

You can do SOMETHING. Now.

If you say that you don’t have time to do what inspires you, stop saying that. Begin to put yourself in motion. Feel what you feel, and heal. So you can do what really matters to you.

You and your life matter.

3. Your desires matter.

Your heart matters. What's your passion?

It only takes one SIP. (At a time.)

Rome wasn’t built in a day. The process takes time.

It takes 40 weeks +/- to develop a baby. Even God himself didn’t create EVERYTHING in a day.

It takes WORK, and rest. It's all about SIPPING.

Think about this…


S: Sacred S.O.L.

I: Inspired?

P: Passion. Your desires matter.

An inspired soul, inspires souls.

You passion is in your heart.

If you feel as though you’re living a passionLESS life, and waiting for someone else to romance you...it’s time to romance yourself, your days, and your life.

Make love with your life, and it’ll love you back.

You’ll create offspring. You’ll multiply.

Imagine multiplying your life, and your days.

Imagine multiplying and expanding - exponentially - the IMPACT that each of your moments has on planet earth.

Imagine increasing the love and life you’re experiencing.

These are TRUTHS.

SIP. That’s all it takes…Sacred, Inspired, Passion.

Your sacred S.O.L.

Your inspired S.O.L.

Your passionate S.O.L.

While living your life fully engaged.


Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.)


1. Write down ONE thing that your heart’s been burning to do. You feel it within your soul. You'd do it like your life depends on it. And you’d do it for free. It’s so IN YOU.

Whatever it is for you. Write it down.

2. Create a plan for you to do that “something.” (Or perhaps it’s ONE thing that you can do right here, and right now.)

I’d love to hear from you. Please come over to WomenSippingOnLife.com. Thanks for being ONE of the souls that are listening, and sipping on life from around the world.

I’m so excited to have you here! 

xo Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch our WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast…

Intro/Outro done by Uni V. SOL 

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter (www.ourmusicbox.com) 

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (www.webdesigncreator.com)

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (www.kmcaptured.com)