Being unconditionally loved is the greatest gift! You may have it, yet NOT be accessing it. Today I'll show you how to access this gift, live it, and share it with others. 


In the past several podcast episodes, we’ve talked about LIVE UNFILTERED, LIVE UNCOVERED (Exposed + Naked), LIVE AFRAID, LIVE UNASHAMED, and LIVE UNCONDITIONAL.

Many years ago I had a "story" going on in my life that said, “lifelong love isn't possible for me.” It was an unconscious belief that I wasn’t aware of until a few years ago. When it came to the surface, and was EXPOSED - because of all the heart work I had been doing (the same stuff I’m teaching you and my clients) - I made the conscious decision to choose a new belief. You can too...

Within a few weeks I met an incredible gentleman/soul, that I’m still loving (and being loved by) today. It’s the kind of love I've never experienced before now.

For years I had the desire for unconditional love, but I didn’t have it. (Or so I thought.) I had become such a victim to my own story. Looking back it’s so obvious, but at that time it wasn’t.

I remember hearing in my heart one day, “Shannon, are you a priority in your own life? Do you love YOURSELF unconditionally?”

The answer to both these questions was, "NO."

I knew that "I" wasn’t a priority in my own life. I also knew that I hadn’t been UNCONDITIONALLY loving myself.

When I got the revelation that I could give MYSELF what I felt I was missing, I began to make myself a priority...and love myself with no conditions.

I had been expecting everyone else to do this for me, but it never even occurred to me that I hadn’t been doing it for myself.

In that moment, I made a commitment to myself.

Face it, if YOU are NOT a priority in your life, then WHO is living your life?

You must be the main character in your own life, or who’s playing that role? (A role that only YOU can play.) If you’re not the leading role in your life, then someone else is living YOUR life for you. If so, then you can’t complain when things aren’t the way you desire them to be.

I felt like I had heard the voice of God in my heart that day. God showed me that He loved me unconditionally. Wow!! I thought, "Here I have the unconditional love from the Creator of the Universe, and the unconditional love from MYSELF…" I was no longer desperate for or seeking the unconditional love from another.

In that moment, I chose to:

1. RECEIVE the unconditional love that I already had available to me.
2. Give myself the unconditional love that I so desired.

ALL OF A SUDDEN…I was no longer in a state of need, want, or lack. I entered into the fullness of the LOVE that was always there for me…and I began to receive it by loving myself.

Oh my goodness, EVERYTHING changed!

After about a year of fully engaging in the process of doing all the work involved in loving myself unconditionally, and making (and keeping) myself a priority in my life, the unconscious belief of “lifelong love wasn’t possible for me” came to the surface and was exposed.

I made a choice that day. I made a commitment. And so can YOU!

Within a couple weeks, I met the incredible LOVE of my life.

I don’t believe this relationship would be possible, had I not made the choices and commitments I made prior to meeting him.

When you begin to truly and unconditionally love yourself, everything will become so much more BEAUTIFUL, LOVABLE, AND LOVING IN YOUR LIFE.

I invite into this experience.


Receive it. Give it to yourself. Give it to others.

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.)


1. What do you LOVE most about YOU?
2. Write yourself an UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING Love Letter.
3. Read it.

When you unconditionally love yourself, you begin to love your life and life’s work well…and it LOVES YOU BACK.

Please come over to I’d love to give you some FREE RESOURCES, including the Ultimate Engagement Plan: Date Yourself Well: The 12 Best-selling Engagements Of Becoming The Great Lover Of Your Life.

There’s nothing better than UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, Baby!!

I’ll look forward to seeing you again tomorrow.

xo Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch our WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast…

Intro/Outro done by Uni V. SOL 

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter ( 

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (