Is it possible that YOU are the solution that you’re seeking? Have you ever felt broken, like something’s missing or you’re not enough? Have you ever felt like you “should” be somewhere else? Never fully being in the moment of now? In today's episode, I'll uncover the TRUTH about YOUR WHOLENESS.


Today’s S.O.L. STORY started this weekend while helping my daughter move...after our movers never showed up.

What do you do when things like this happen in your life? You can either freak out or figure it out.

That’s what we did. We figured it out. And so can you. No matter what life brings your way.

I didn’t know HOW I was going to figure it out. All I knew was that we could do it, and we’d figure it out.

No matter what happens in life, there’s a way to figure it out. No matter what problem arises, there IS a SOLUTION.

Look at that word: "SOLution."

We can redefine what S.O.L. really means.

When the situation looks the worst, it’s the beginning of the SOLution. IF...we stay in the boat and keep a positive attitude. (And even if we freak out for a moment.)

Whatever we have to do to get it done, we can find a way.

So we got it done. And so can you.

I knew I could rely on my physical, as well as my mental, strength.

If you’re waiting for a man to come and save you, or someone else to come along and be your strength, then it’s time for you to STRENGTHEN UP, S.O.L. SISTER!

Put the strength that you currently have IN MOTION, and begin to build upon it...and with it.

Do you have what it takes to physically lift and move heavy things in your life? It's time.

It's time to figure it out. Save yourself. Train for your own victory. It's the day that you become the answer to the problem. You become the solution that you’re seeking.

Is it possible that YOU are the solution that you’re seeking?

Yes, it IS! Yes, YOU ARE!

The next time you have a problem, it doesn’t mean you have to do it ALL BY YOURSELF. But, remember that you can rely on the strength that you have.

Even when you don’t have the strength, it IS available to you. Will you begin to start the process of accessing it?

We accomplished the mission of moving in, and then moved on to the next challenge. Yes, we decided to paint her room.

In the process, I was reminded of why I enjoy painting. It’s so metaphorical to life. If you don’t stop or quit, you WILL finish. If you keep painting, you WILL eventually get the room painted. You’ll finish what you started.

All this culminated in an overwhelming feeling of being SO adequate, more than enough, significantly substantial…I felt so present.

Then my heart and soul explained the feeling so beautifully. From deep within me I heard, “I feel so whole.”

I completely agreed. That was EXACTLY how I felt (and feel.)

There’s NOTHING like this feeling!

Have you ever felt broken, like something’s missing or you’re not enough?

Have you ever felt like you “should” be somewhere else? Never fully being in the moment of now?

It's time to be right here. Right now. In “THIS MOMENT”.

In that moment I felt like I didn't need or want anything. I was fully present to my feeling of wholeness.

Again, there’s nothing like it! 

It was beyond a feeling…it was, and is, a knowing.


Our wholeness is always there, but we may not be accessing it.

But you can. This is how:

1. Recognize and acknowledge it.
2. Receive it.

Do you feel WHOLE? Today’s your day.

TRUTH: You are NOT missing something. You are NOT broken. You do NOT need to be fixed.

You need to be found and discovered. (By you.)

This is my desire for you, and all souls that are sipping on life.

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. Journal (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.)


1. Write this in your journal: I AM SO WHOLE. I FEEL SO WHOLE.

2. Ask yourself: Am I willing to recognize my wholeness?

Are you willing to recognize and receive your wholeness today?

Tap into the strength that IS you. Tap into your WHOLENESS. The complete wholeness that's IN you. That IS YOU...your heart and soul.

I would love to hear from you. Come over to and let me know how I can best support you in sipping on your life.

Yes, you have to do it for yourself, but you DO NOT have to do it all by yourself.

See you again tomorrow.

xo Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME. 

A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch our WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast… 

Intro/Outro done by Uni V. SOL 

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter ( 

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar ( 

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (

Women Sipping. On. Life. (with doctor shannon) is YOUR daily podcast for something new. Different. Satisfying. Soul quenching. Unscripted. LOVE. Practical Solutions. Powerful coaching that equips and empowers you to show up. Speak up. Step up. Step into your life. Fully engaged. Loving your life + life’s work well. Starting from the very first sip. Uncover and discover your TRUTH, so you can drink it all in. Live it all now. Naked. Unafraid. Unashamed. Unapologetic. Unconditionally loved. Heart + Soul. Become the great lover of your life. ONE SIP AT A TIME.