Kate O'Donnell is an Ayurvedic chef, Ashtanga Yoga teacher & cookbook writer based in Boston. Dr. John Douillard is also an Ayurvedic practitioner and they are our guests this week on the podcast which is made up of 2 segments from Cate Stillman podcast show "Yoga Healer". 

This episode is about summer and seasonal eating. 

Here's what you'll hear: 

Min 00:10 Introduction to this week's podcast

Min 04:00 Getting overheated and inflamed during summertime

Min 05:15 Effects of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco & sugar

Min 08:35 Overheating and stress

Min 10:30 Getting transparency in the body

Min 14:30 Thriving with the core of Ayurvedic wisdom

Min 17:50 Kate's Mint cilanto coconut chutney

Min 22:20 The complexity of eating & diets

Min 24:00 Introduction to Dr. John Douillard

Min 25:00 Dr. John's go-to meals in summer

Min 26:05 Bile sludge and foods to decongest the liver & gall bladder

Min 28:00 Seasonal eating & eating diversified foods

Min 31:20 Eating wheat & hard to digest foods

Min 34:05 Toxins

To learn more about Kate O'Donnell, visit her website here and follow her on social media:





To learn more about Dr. John Douillard, visit his website here and follow him on social media:







These two guests were originally featured on Cate Stillman's podcast here and here.


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Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

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