Dr. Tim Jackson works virtually with clients all over the world and is on the show today to talk about chronic viral infections and mold.

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Here's what you'll hear: 

Min 01:55 Introduction to Dr. Tim Jackson

Min 04:20 How often Dr. Jackson sees chronic viral infections in patients

Min 06:05 Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG & IgM)

Min 09:30 Other pathogens - systemic candida, Brucella, mycoplasma bacteria

Min 11:20 How viruses become chronic

Min 14:50 Testing for viruses

Min 16:25 Causes and signs of chronic virus infection

Min 19:45 Dr. Jackson's approach to new clients & his treatment approach

Min 26:35 Percentage of patients' cases with high viral load

Min 32:30 Tests Dr. Jackson recommends for mold toxicity -

To learn more about Dr. Tim Jackson, you can find him on his website and follow him on Facebook .


Dr. Jackson’s Resources: 

Free eBook “Beyond Green Allopathy”

Mycometrics - a microbiology services laboratory

Spark Case Review 

Click here to learn about our Spark Case Review for help with auto-immunity and digestive health.  

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative
