In today’s podcast, Dr. Ghozland sits down with a long-time friend and colleague Dr. Edward Tangchitnob. Dr. Tangchitnob goes in-depth on his background, including growing up with an OB/GYN father, his time at Tufts University, and his time at Cedars-Sinai with Dr. Ghozland. He covers what drew him to the field of women’s health, including his fascination with cutting edge robotics and surgeries. From there, they talk about the effects of aging, especially relating to menopause and intimacy, where Dr. Tangchitnob explains his ‘Timeless Intimacy’ program. They then move on to a detailed discussion about hormone therapy, including their own philosophies, what pellet treatments
 are, and much more. 

To learn more about Dr. Ghozland, visit our website at:

To learn more about Dr. Tangchitnob visit him at: