While men's patterns destructive to women and relationships are often passed on -what the Bible refers to as "the sins of the fathers"- missing is reference to how "the silences of the mothers" contribute as well. No surprise as the Bible-as are most spiritual books and writings of our time-written by men about men's experiences of the spiritual. 

In this episode of "Women's Grit & Grace", I will speak about how the silencing of women's voices has led in great part to our imbalanced world and challenged relationships. Both men and women bear responsibility for creating our current conditions of world and relationship. Understanding the history between women and men is an important first step. And while history may be written by the victors, time brings home the true price of any claimed victory over another.

Join me for an introduction to how the "silences of her mother" is what every woman must face and make her choice to change. It is time for women to lead in making the changes so necessary to a healthier world and relationships. Beginning with reclaiming the power of her voice, the first step to reclaiming her power and the so-needed leadership of women.