Life offers women more choices than ever, so why aren't women happier than ever? It's simple-more choices is not the same as knowing YOUR choices which will create the happiness and love you are seeking. It really is simple-altho not always so easy. Simple is knowing what is true for you and living with congruence to this in you choices of actions and even your words. Simple is knowing what makes you happy-and then making those your choices you commit to action. Easy? Not if you are a people pleaser and don't like to make waves.

Join JaiKaur as she shares how making your life simple may not be easy but is will make you happier and more likely to have the love you desire more present in your life.  JaiKaur mentors women for embracing their power in life and love. If you would like to learn more about JaiKaur's support for women doing so check out her website or email her.