To be a woman is a gift, a privilege, a blessing....but has not been so much in the times and culture we live in. There is a reckoning a-foot as to the price of women's silence and the collusion which kept women silent and a distortion of men's power in play. Women's wings have been bent by the silencing of her outrage and wisdom, the relegating to the sidelines her values and compassion. This is no longer sustainable as the world created without women's presence and purpose is a world on the brink of self-destruction.

Join me as I talk about how becoimng aware of where your wings have been bent and how mending them is the sacred calling to every woman. Your wings do not need to become perfect before you again allow your passions to soar and your purpose to be shared for the benefit of all. Simply be willing to realize and tend to where you have been silenced as a woman, where you have bought into your imperfection as a woman, and choose to mend and soar again.The world needs the fierce compassion of women more than ever, imperfect and in the process of mending the wings of the better nature of ourself as women.