Our times are awash in information like never before, yet what do we DO with all this information? Our bodies will have their responses-which we tend to dismiss or medicate-and our mind will be insatiable. Yet, a life well lived is one in which we live OUR life, not the reflections of other's lives. 

There is information never before shared but with a privileged few, now yours for the reading. But how do you go from the plethora of information to wise use of the information for your purposes in life? How do you go from "The 10 Steps to Enlightenment" mode of information to using all this information for wise action in your life?

In this episode, JaiKaur will share how an intimacy with your self and soul are essential for your happiness and satisfaction. An intimacy in which you learn what to trust within you and then choose to exercise your courage for living what you know to be true for YOU and your one precious life.