Power is a subject up and front as women give voice to men abusing their power. Make no mistake, while the means may be sexual, the heart of the matter is power. We live in a male-centric world, meaning, a world created for and by men and their expereinces. And so by default, women's expereince of the world is not unlike being a round peg trying to fit into a square hole-not. And historically women as a result have had to be accomodating to being different than men, although the price of that is no longer what women want to pay.

Join me as I talk about women's power and how it is often different from (men's) power as what we've been taught is power. Knowing what is powerful for you is a beginning step to claiming what has power for you and what you in turn can exercise as power. It is different, and, that is true of much of you as a woman in contrast to men and their experiences. Women embracing their power is one of the responses to a world crying out for more heart and soul in the world.