Women today have more choices than ever before and yet women today struggle to realize happiness in their lives and their relationships. What's up? In short, women have forgotten to be a woman first and a woman last, confusing roles and responsibilites for her worth and purpose. Add the cultural messages of how women ought to be-have and you have a recipe for women's feelings of helplessness and hopelessness to make things better in their life or the world. 

Join me as I talk about how women's worth is not her roles or responsibilities, although her roles will help her learn as well as live her values and her capacities as a woman. When a woman lives as a woman first and last, she brings her inner wisdom, strength, and firece compassion to all she attends. Be it with her family, in a relationship, doing her work, being a woman first and last means she will not compromise nor silence her voice when attending to her deepest values and commitments. Tune it and learn more about this topic so essential for women and their happiness in life and their relationships.