Slim Chandra-Shekar today is a shaman, healer, writer and spiritual coach, a life different from his former entrepreneurial and venture capitalist life, a transformation initiated when his wife was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2001 and he left the corporate world to become her primary caregiver.
After his wife passed in March 2005, he embarked on what seems to be a pre-destined journey of healing and self-discovery.  He became a certified hypnotherapist and began working with cancer patients for helping them deal with their difficult treatment options.
Slim also began to support an orphanage for blind children in Bangalore, India "The Rakum School for the Blind"http:// and in early 2007 Slim recorded “The Magic of Gayatri” a musical and descriptive journey with one of the oldest prayers known to humanity The Gayatri Mantra (A third of the net proceeds from the CD go to this institution in Bangalore). 
With his new partner in life Penelope, Slim divides his time between San Rafael, CA and the Big Island of Hawaii. He continues his healing and coaching work with his clients using Shamanic healing, Reiki, hypnotherapy and Reconnective Healing. You can visit him and Penelope at Slim has almost completed his first book “Real Men Rattle”, a collection of essays and original quotes on ‘Love, Life & Spirit’.
These days, Slim has just one simple formula for living life … his aim is to touch at least one person every single day with something he does, says or writes.