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Welcome to the Women's Empowerment Show HQ (Behind the Scenes Pre-Show) Grade School Science: Matter, Energy & Molecules! High Vibrations vs Low Vibrations in the Physical Body Measuring Vibrational Frequencies Three Ranges of Essential Oil Frequency:
Low Frequency Oils: support physical ailments
Mild Frequency Oils: promote emotional change
High Frequency Oils: encourage spiritual growth and realization Using Oils to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency How fast do essential oils work?
22 seconds for the molecules to reach the brain
2 minutes for the oils to be found in the bloodstream
20 minutes for the oils to affect every cell in the body E35: The Simplest Ways to Use Your Essential Oils A List of the Highest Vibe Oils: Lavender, Clary Sage, Lemongrass, Jasmine, Frankincense, Patchouli, Myrrh, Copaiba, Cedarwood, Juniper Berry, and ROSE (highest vibe oil) BOOK: Emotions & Essential Oils, a Reference Guide for Emotional Healing Buy it at (CANADA)OR (USA) Find more info on the AromaTherapy Collection with Val's High-Vibe Oil Guide (Big yellow button below!) Not all oils are created equal! Look for "CPTG" = Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Standard Going Beyond the Oils