A lot of you got burnt this year with plans that needed to pivot or just didn’t work out. You are hesitant to plan for next year- understandable. But before you swear off that 2021 planner take a listen to this episode. In this episode, business coach Robin Walker talks about why you should still […]

The post 45: How Far Out Should You Plan in Your Business When Things are Unpredictable? appeared first on Women's Business Workshop Robin Walker.

A lot of you got burnt this year with plans that needed to pivot or just didn’t work out. You are hesitant to plan for next year- understandable. But before you swear off that 2021 planner take a listen to this episode. In this episode, business coach Robin Walker talks about why you should still plan, how far out you should go, and how you can create a more adaptable plan in 2021.   

How far out should you plan?

Everyone had something not go as planned in 2020. It happens with any plan, but this year took adaptability to a whole new level. My plans had to change too. I had in-person local events on my calendar and that was driving my marketing plan for the year.

Last year we did an in person Plan your year group intensive. We are going online with it next month (7 spots left if you want to grab an early bird ticket). I looked back at my data and in 2019, we did the event 100% virtual because no one was interested in doing it in person. So there’s that. Based on that, it doesn’t even make sense for me to be mad that I can’t do it in person.

One of the hesitations I originally ran into for the workshop, is that women thought it meant planning every little detail of the entire year. No, that’s not it. I wouldn’t even recommend that.

You don’t start with that. You start with the finish line. Where do you want to end up at the end of the year? This could be a revenue goal or a milestone that you want to achieve. 

Picture yearly goal setting like GPS when you are headed somewhere new.

You log in your end destination. That is your finish line- let’s say it is 100k in revenue.

You push start and get 3 route options- just like in your business. There are multiple ways your business can get to that goal of six figures. The slow and steady route with the longest trip time, that may feel the safest. The fastest route on all the highways, or the middle route that is a mix of both.

You choose a path- this is the business plan people- if you skip the plan, its like just starting to drive and hoping you figure out how to get to that destination. 

So you have your plan…as you start out, you may get rerouted due to a closed road. You may see a hazard ahead and get to choose a way around it. This are the road blocks in your business- your facebook ad that leads to your funnel isn’t approved or isn’t converting as planned, your speaking event is cancelled, your offer isn’t selling. 

When this happens, you don’t abandon the destination, you find a new route.

If you could see your business path during 2020, there were a lot of those red lines and hazard ahead warnings. Regardless, business owners still made it to their destination- even in 2020.

Those of you considering NOT planning for the year, or setting a goal? This is like driving without a destination. You are just ‘going for a drive’ everyday in your business. That is not a higher level business strategy. That won’t get you where you want to go.

Once you have your goal, work backwards.

How do you plan on getting to that goal? What has to happen each quarter?

This is another place you may get stuck, especially if it is a goal you have been trying to achieve without success. What are you missing? How DO you achieve it by the end of the year? Get help from a coach or a mastermind group if this is the case.

If you have a good handle on what needs to get done, map out business activity and content for the year on loose basis- kind of like an outline. Maybe this looks like themed months or quarterly goals.

A mapped out yearly overview is easier to pivot or adapt if unpredictable situations arise.

If you host a membership group, a podcast, or something that needs to retain followers or members, this is really important. You need to plan further out to book guests and experts, but also to have a promise of what is to come to help members see the value of sticking around.

If you are looking to grow, planning out further- with flexibility- can be key.

You don’t have to have detailed content for the whole year, or blog posts written- I actually don’t advise that. You need some room for adaptability as you try your plan out. Once you have things mapped out, start detailed planning monthly, or even quarterly.

Big vision/destination > Mapped out path to get there > Short term goals and action steps

The biggest thing that stops women from doing this is that it is overwhelming to do on your own, and it takes some dedicated time to do it. Without accountability, it is easy to set a destination and then leave it at that. You may even pick a word of the year- but that’s really just snacks for the ride. Not the plan.

So when are you going to make your yearly plan? 

How about on January 11? Get through the holidays, enter all your 2020 data and take time to reflect on that. Then join the group for a 1 day intensive to get a vision and path documented. I will be there to coach, and the group will be there for feedback and ideas on other routes or ways to avoid the hazards. Trust me- its way better than a lonely CEO day on your own that may or may not actually happen.

I would be honored to be your co-pilot and help you on your journey to your best year in business.

Do you have an end vision for 2021? Where do you want to end up?

If you want this kind of planning and implementation support, hop into the Impact Mastermind Group before Dec 31, and you can get the Plan Your Year Group Intensive for FREE as a member…and you get the support and follow up all year long. Find your tribe for 2021!

Mentioned in this episode:

Plan Your Year Group Intensive

Join us for a one day intensive to get your 2021 goal set, strategic plan in place, and the accountability to get it implemented. PLAN YOUR YEAR Group Intensive for business owners (womensbusinessworkshop.com)

Early Bird ends December 30th.

Need more than one day? Find continued accountability when you join the Impact Business Circle and get the workshop for free! IMPACT Mastermind for female entrepreneurs (womensbusinessworkshop.com)

The Lakeside Conference is coming up in the new year! Join us for a LIVE virtual conference February 22-23, 2021.

Hop on the email list to get notified of Early Bird ticket bonuses! http://eepurl.com/cot291

Other ways to connect:

Women’s Business Workshop facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomensBusinessWorkshop

Book Robin to speak to your group or audience: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/media

IMPACT Business Circle (+Mastermind): Forming groups now for next quarter! https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/impact/

Set up a strategy session with Robin: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/coaching/

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The post 45: How Far Out Should You Plan in Your Business When Things are Unpredictable? appeared first on Women's Business Workshop Robin Walker.