Even the most seasoned entrepreneur or the most disciplined person has moments that they don’t feel like doing the task at hand. You are not alone in this, especially if you are juggling new schedules, too many people in your work space, or you are simple exhausted. Last week’s blog post was all about motivation […]

The post 39: Get to Work: 12 ways to boost motivation appeared first on Women's Business Workshop Robin Walker.

 Even the most seasoned entrepreneur or the most disciplined person has moments that they don’t feel like doing the task at hand. You are not alone in this, especially if you are juggling new schedules, too many people in your work space, or you are simple exhausted.

Last week’s blog post was all about motivation killers- the things that get in your way of working easily and productively. In this episode, Robin Walker, business coach, speaker, and IMPACT Mastermind host, is going to share about how to combat those roadblocks with simple things you can do to boost motivation when you just want to  quit and get back in bed.

Keep your ‘shoulds’ out of the motivation conversation. No one has rock solid follow through. We all need support.

As a business owner or entrepreneur, we often have too many things on our plate, and too many decisions to make. Sometimes the solution to overwhelm just involves a little action. But how to make that happen? Listen in for 12 simple things that anyone can do to get a jump start on their business activity for the day.

Want the list in a printable download? Join our Podcast Club Email List and grab any downloads from future episodes as well.

Podcast Club Email Downloads: http://eepurl.com/dHqrMP

This month we are focusing on motivation on podcast episodes, and the monthly content for the IMPACT Business Circle. Need some? Check out below!

IMPACT Business Circle (+Mastermind): Forming groups now for next quarter! https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/impact/

Set up a strategy session with Robin: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/coaching/

Book Robin to speak to your group or audience: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/media

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Mentioned in this episode:

The Impact Accountability Group combines strategic planning, goal setting, and the accountability of a small mastermind group to help female business owners meet their bold goals and move their businesses forward.

Check out the monthly membership options here.


Dopamine and motivation:

How to Increase Dopamine to Skyrocket Your Motivation

History of the Wonder Woman power pose:


Classical Music and concentration:


The post 39: Get to Work: 12 ways to boost motivation appeared first on Women's Business Workshop Robin Walker.