[Summer Business Prep Series] In Episode 13, I am talking about prepping your business for summer, and how to set up summer office hours for your business. It is important to set expectations for both your family and your clients in regards to your summer hours. Do not wing it this summer, set yourself up […]

The post 13: How to Set Up Summer Office Hours For Your Business appeared first on Women's Business Workshop Robin Walker.

[Summer Business Prep Series] In Episode 13, I am talking about prepping your business for summer, and how to set up summer office hours for your business. It is important to set expectations for both your family and your clients in regards to your summer hours. Do not wing it this summer, set yourself up for growth.

In this three part series we will discuss summer goal setting and focus, how to set up summer office hours and expectations for family and clients, and how to keep your kids engaged and out of your hair while you work.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Your Action Step: Take note of how you are using your time each week. How many hours each week do you work with clients, on paperwork, on follow-up, etc? Get the true data on how long things actually take you. Use this information when planning your summer schedule.

Summer Planning Bundle: Get the most of your summer- profits and pool time with one on one help planning it out.


Ways to connect with Robin and get support:

IMPACT Business Circle (+Mastermind): Forming groups now for next quarter! https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/impact/

Set up a strategy session with Robin: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/coaching/

Book Robin to speak to your group or audience on goal setting or how to attract more clients: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/media

Join us for the accountability that will get you to the next level.

The post 13: How to Set Up Summer Office Hours For Your Business appeared first on Women's Business Workshop Robin Walker.