Chris Hauri lives  with the spirit of creativity and fun. As an entrepreneur and intrapreneur, Chris leads individuals and groups—e.g., The Human Company (currently), The Grand Group, Girl Scouts, Crayola -- to tap into their creative and intuitive thinking.  She cautions that rational, linear thinking alone cannot solve complex problems facing humanity, such as climate change and pandemics. Chris’ legacy is to help women over 60 age with dignity and fun, and to support the education of girls on a global scale. And, she does stand-up comedy!

"If you can do something, do it in a fun way." - Chris Hauri

Take Away

Innate in all of us is creative and intuitive thinking—tap into it.

Strive to have fun in your life-- lots of it.

Connections matter—relationships keep us lively.

Contact Chris Hauri

Email: [email protected]Web: Book: SQUIRCLE: A new way to think in a new world. Available on Amazon, June 22, 2020

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Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

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