How do you cope with life’s challenges? 

We all have them and sometimes they can come out of left field.

Last week was my birthday. I have been 66 years around the Sun - Wow! After a few months of health issues, my birthday gift was spending time at the cardiologist's rooms for a Stress Test. I received some great news from my stress test, the results were good, however, I won't be able to rely on just living a healthy lifestyle thanks to genetics. I’m am allowed to start running again which I’m very happy about.

Where has the Women Living Well After 50 Podcast been?

I've not published any new podcasts for a few weeks due to ill health. My scheduled interviewees were very supportive and understanding as I explained I was having to 'press the pause button' on the Women Living Well After 50 Podcast for a time.

In this Episode I provide an update on where I have been, where I'm at now and where I'm going. I discuss:

the frustration of not being allowed to run or do any strenuous exercise for about 8 weeks.the frustration of being diagnosed with heart disease despite living a very healthy lifestylehow daily walks which have my mental health as well as keeping physically fit. how a positive mindset is vital when facing life's challenges - whether big or small.

Life is difficult for everyone and we all face challenges. The key to coping is our mindset and how we look at things. For me, keeping a positive mindset is vital. It’s how you look at things. For me it was accepting the health results but also realising that they could have been so much worse if I hadn’t been living a healthy lifestyle.

Sue Loncaric
Women Living Well After 50
Email: [email protected]