In this Episode of the Women Living Well After 50 Podcast, my guest is Allison Liu, a woman who is passionate about helping women to optimise the health of their brain as they get older.

Isn’t memory loss just an inevitable part of ageing?What are some of the early warning signs that we need to take seriously?If we’re worried that our memory is declining, what steps should we be taking now?What is your No1 strategy for optimising brain health as we age?Allison’s programme and how she empowers people to stay mentally sharp as they ageSteps you can take today to improve your brain health

Connect with Allison
Allison Liu, a brain health coach and expert in helping women to reclaim their mental sharpness and improve their energy and mood, struggled with brain fog and panic attacks in her early 50s. Forgetting what she was saying in the middle of saying it, finding it hard to express herself and feeling increasingly irritable, she felt she was losing her sense of self. Adopting a science-based approach, which she uses with her clients today, she increased her own ‘brain reserve’, improving her memory, mood and relationships. She now coaches women in their 40s and beyond to achieve the same so that they can handle life’s challenges with ease, face the future with confidence, and fully engage in life at work and at home. Her mission: Staying sharp for life.

Website: Allison Liu | Staying Sharp For Life (

Sue Loncaric
Women Living Well After 50
Email: [email protected]