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Grounding/Earthing can invite peace, healing and presence in the mind, body, soul and spirit. It’s not surprising that nature has a therapeutic effect when you consider that the human race — and all our evolutionary forebears — have been closely bonded with it for all our existence.   

The human body, just like nature, is made up of the five elements earth, water, fire, air and space…which 75-90% of is mostly water…Indigenous cultures have always understood this and the significant bond between humans, creation and nature.  Being out in nature is like going back home, and it fills us with the same sense of safety and belonging. This almost always gives me a sense that “all is well" in my life!  

Nature reminds us to be in the present and experience a connection to “something other than ourselves,” “a higher power” that draws us to a wider perspective. Being in nature reminds us that there’s so much more going on than just our own issues or challenges of the day.  Consider these elements of nature:  

-Nature is an embodiment of the mind, soul, body and spirit 

-Nature has healing-vibrational effects from the: trees, flowers, soil, grass, water, air, ground.  

-Nature can help expand the discovery of Self, self-acceptance and personal perspectives on life challenges. 

-Nature invites deep connections and belongingness through its' healing properties and with our creator and humanity.

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