Welcome to the Women Living Healthy podcast. Join in on this premiere episode on YouTube on 12/23 @ 12pm EST with special guest Hilda Reyes, RN, MS.  


Hilda is a registered nurse and the Founder and Owner of Glistening Waters Center for Integrative Wellness, LLC at https://www.glisteningwaterswellness.com and the author of the book Crumbs and Bacon; Womaning Up and Finding the Happy Healer Within.  Find Hilda on social media @ hildareyesrn 

In this episode hear about the inspirational wellness and spiritual journey of our guest as she talks about multiple spiritual healing modalities (yoga, meditation, Reiki, breathwork, medical cannabis and more to achieve higher states of well-being in mind, body, soul and spirit. 

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal and not everyone will follow the same path....its about finding the right path for YOU!

Spiritual healing is not linked to any particular religion or faith…..even skeptics can be healed….and you don’t have to look externally for it…everyone has the natural ability to tap into “Divine energy” or the “Universal energy” to channel healing energy.

Spiritual practices discussed:


4 common paths to yoga discussed in episode for those seeking a deeper spiritual journey:

• KARMA YOGA - It is the yoga of action, the path of selfless service.

• BHAKTI YOGA --It is the devotional approach of yoga, the one of pure love. This path involves surrendering oneself to God in order to realize the highest Truth.

• JÑĀNA YOGA –This is the philosophical approach to yoga, the yoga of knowledge which is about using intellectual inquiry for spiritual evolution.

• RAJA YOGA --This is the scientific, step-by-step approach of yoga which pa-tan-jali’s 8 limbs of yoga falls under ..which is outlined in the yoga sutras and is about how to live a morally disciplined and purposeful life, and about learning to control the conditioned mind through physical asanas or right postures…through breathing techniques, withdrawal of the 5 senses, focused concentration, and meditation and reaching samadhi or bliss or enlightenment as the higher intent...… 

Quote mentioned in episode: ·  “The spiritual quest is not some added benefit to our life, something you embark on if you have the time and inclination. We are spiritual beings on an earthly journey. Our spirituality makes up our beingness”. John Bradshaw

Host Episode links:

Visit https://www.designandwellness.com to learn more about private Yoga, Meditation and Reiki!  

Upcoming Workshop  "Holistic Self-Healing With Reiki Energy (Level 1)- Level 1 Reiki Healing Attunement  Date and Time TBA

Enroll Now for the "MORE FREEDOM, MORE JOY, LESS STRESS- An 6-week online group coaching course for busy women! Next course starts 1/20/22

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