In episode 21, Dr. K is joined with Angela Orr, RPh. Angela is a certified life coach, certified HeartMath practitioner, serial entrepreneur and pharmacist of 36 years.

Angela has a strong background in pharmacy where she’s owned several community pharmacies of her own. Her life journey has now led her out of pharmacy and she believes that pills and conventional medicine are not the only modalities to help with long term health and vitality.  She now offers life coaching programs, using HeartMath solutions and retreats for women who are overwhelmed, anxious and stressed.

In this episode, the conversation is centered on Heart Math and it's effects on our emotions, heart-brain interactions and coherence. HeartMath has developed practical solutions for relieving stress and anxiety, improving health and wellness, enhancing spirituality, and improving your performance. 

Episode details:

{03:00--05:48}-Introduction of guest and her story of personal/professional transitions—

{05:49—07:20}-HeartMath -implications for heart  coherence—stress-disease prevention and healing)

{07:45—16:40}:  HeartMath technology and science, heart rate variability, mechanism of cell action and research---stress response chemicals—controlling thoughts and emotions, fear, stress, anxiety and effects on chemistry/physiology

{16:57—25:10}: techniques and steps -heart-centered breathwork, regenerating feelings and meditation

{25:12—30:29}-Tapping into intuition through heart-centered focus and spirituality---authenticity and confidence

{30:30—37:35}-Energy field/biofield-quantum field---healing the internal and external energy fields---coherence expansion of energetic field externally…individual and collective healing

{37:36—53:50}--Holistic tips for optimal health—holistic healing intentions for self and others

Visit for more information.

Connect with Angela Orr, RPh and get downloadable guided meditations @

Information on upcoming retreat in Maine! October 21-24, 2021

Disclaimer Note: All information in all podcast episodes are for educational purposes only. Information spoken or heard on this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or read on this podcast.