Are you feeling depleted, low on energy and motivation? Do you worry often or Feel more edgy? are you having a difficult time focusing on tasks at hand and feel less productive. are you feeling more mentally distance from your work or others your just going through the motions with no true joy, meaning and fulfillment in your work and your life….

In episode 17, Dr. K is joined with Kadia Prospere, ARNP, RN (Nurse Practioner and Yoga & Meditation teacher) @the.oasis.experienceto talk about how to break the burnout cycle through embodied yoga and positive interventions.

In this episode:

1. Understanding what burnout is, the signs and symptoms and it’s negative implications on holistic wellness

2. Positive Interventions to prevent and overcome burnout

3. Holistic and Natural mind body therapies(ex Yoga) that can help restore joy and peace within your mind, body & spirit!

4. Systemic issues (toxic work places, toxic leaders, loss of humanity, politics, capitalism, disparities, etc)that lead to burnout