The Internet is putting companies out of business; this is why you need to start an online business NOW.

Is the Internet killing our businesses? The way people buy and live their lives these days is vastly different than even a decade ago. Every year a multitude of companies are going bankrupt because they are failing to follow the trends. Companies are waiting until it’s too late and not changing their business model to be able to compete in the changing market place. 

Some examples are:

◦ Sears 

◦ Barnes and Nobles 

◦ Staples

◦ Tiffany

◦ Macy’s 

◦ Pay Less

The thing is, that not all businesses are been slashed. Many companies are working smart not just hard.  Best Buy is not only surviving; they are thriving.  They have modeled their business with the main focus online and have turned their store into a showroom. They provide an extensive customer service desk for merchandise pickup. They also are very price competitive by offering their price match guarantee. Walmart is not staying behind either. You can order online and park your car in a designated area, and an employee will come out and bring your purchase to your vehicle! These companies are putting more focus on their online stores in a way that they can compete with Amazon and in certain cases even have the upper hand for having a place where customers can see the merchandise before they buy it.  McDonalds now has an app that you can order your food and also wait in your car to have it delivered to your car. And with Uber eats, who needs to even go out?

You need to do the same, it’s swim or die.  Whether it is growing your online presence for your current business, starting an online side hustle while you do your 9-5 or starting an online business. You need to hop on the train.

There was a time in my sales career that prospects would give me meetings to keep on top of trends and updates. As a sales person I would walk in with an army of my high level technical team and give white board presentations. These days prospects will not bother meeting with sales people. Why should they? They can ask Google and see what’s trending in 10 minutes. No need to waste 2 hours of their day hearing sales pitches just to be on top of trends. So where do you think those same people are spending those 2 hours? They are on LinkedIn, listening to a Podcast or Twitter. Is your job to find out where your ideal buyer is and go there!

If you are considering starting an online business you need to get this guide. It walks you through the 7 steps to have a business up and running…and it’s absolutely free. Head over to and pick it up.