For The Show Notes

I have twenty years under my belt in sales, and three of those years running my company. Sales was not something that I planned; neither was starting my own company. I went to school for business administration; I wanted to do management in the fashion industry. Definitely something utterly different that I ended up doing. Life sometimes gears you through a different path. After an economic downturn, a recession hit, and I lost my job. I had no choices, so that's when I discovered the sales section in The New York Times.

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I landed my first sales job as copier rep making $15,000 a year! I had no idea what I was doing in sales, and all I got was one week of training, just the basics. I did well with copiers and was nicked named "Deal a Day" I was always bringing in new business. I later moved on to Telecommunications. Not understanding technology I had a very rocky first 7-months and my job was in jeopardy. I didn't give up, and read book after book and started taking tech courses. I managed to put myself into the #1 sales person position year after year until I became the Director of Sales. In that same job, I hired a team of rookies out of college and trained them. Just as abruptly as I got into sales after 14 years in the same job, I decided to quit and start my own business. I have always found a way to succeed because I love to read, and I don't stop learning. I have read hundreds of books, and now I listen to books and podcasts as well. They say it takes 10,000 hours to be an expert; I'm well passed those hours when it comes to sales and business.


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