There is a phrase I have often used when asked about my background which is, “When all is said and done, it’s all about baseball!” This happens to me when performing concerts, speaking or even engaging in a conversation. I have realized that with a husband that played pro-ball for the Indians organization, it doesn’t matter where the conversation goes. The moment I mention Greg’s background, the focus is immediately all about baseball! So I have accepted this fact and realize that life can be likened to the intricate game of baseball, with its ebbs and flows, victories, and defeats. Just as in baseball, we face numerous pitches – some fast and unexpected, others slow and anticipated. The choices we make are similar to swinging at a pitch. The bases in a baseball game represent the milestones and achievements that propel us forward on life's journey.

Just like a well-executed play, life demands teamwork, communication, and strategic thinking. There’s so much to learn from baseball, as I have discovered through the years. Upon marrying Greg, I thought the game wasn’t too much more than nine innings that could last five or more hours! But I was wrong! The amount of strategy and consistent study for many players between and before every game surprised me. I will cover some interesting facts that I have learned about the player’s stance, the history of bats and the specifics of balls used in a game. Though there are more aspects to explore, we’ll focus on applying principles from those key elements. To wrap things up, we’ll share some interesting stories of fans catching balls. Full article here:

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00:00 - Introduction

01:28 - Life & Baseball Comparison

03:55 - Baseball Stance Techniques

06:57 - Choosing Baseball Bats

10:01 - Understanding Baseballs

13:32 - Catching a Baseball: Fun Stories

15:39 - Applying Baseball Principles

17:07 - Conclusion & Connecting with Deborah