The phrase Forever Young embodies an aspirational desire to retain the vigor, vitality, and youthful spirit throughout life. While the sentiment behind this phrase may bring up memories of the Bob Dylan song, it resonates with the wish for sustained energy, health, and vitality. However, the literal interpretation of eternal youth is, unfortunately, not feasible. Aging is an inevitable natural process that brings about physiological changes in the body over time. I wrote the following thoughts in my book Women at Halftime: (

Are those deepening crow’s feet spreading? Are those actually permanent bags beneath our eyes? Several splashes of cold water cannot rinse away the creases around our moths that have deepened from smile lines to fissures. We lift sagging cheeks to produce a momentary youthful expression. But wasn’t it just yesterday that we were nominated for college homecoming queen?

Cells age, tissues change, and bodily functions gradually decline with advancing age. Thus, the notion of preserving physical youth indefinitely is not realistic and we are all on the same train eventually facing the same end here on earth. However, while immortality or stopping the aging process is scientifically unattainable, there are ways we can enhance our well-being and maintain a youthful disposition. Adopting healthy lifestyle practices, such as regular exercise, nutritious eating habits, stress management, and sufficient sleep, can contribute to overall vitality and longevity. These practices may not halt the aging process but can positively impact health, delay age-related issues, and improve the quality of life as we age. I will share a couple of my regular routines throughout this article. Full article here:


0:00 - Introduction

1:22 - Secrets to Staying Forever Young

7:48 - Benefits of Physical Activity

9:21 - Essentials of Healthy Nutrition

11:01 - Mindfulness for Stress Management

12:41 - Power of Continual Learning

13:02 - Pursuing New Hobbies

14:08 - Importance of Social Connections

15:58 - Applying Longevity Principles

16:50 - Access More Resources

17:15 - Hero Mountain Summit Course Overview

18:15 - Thank You for Joining Us