Navigating change from a military to civilian life is often challenging, and Joshua Porthouse's personal experience mirrors this sentiment. Joshua encountered unexpected difficulties along the way. One notable aspect was underestimating his own capabilities and the demanding nature of his transition, a miscalculation that persisted even before joining the Marines. Surprisingly, after multiple deployments to Afghanistan, Joshua still grappled with understanding the full extent of his own potential and resilience. This highlights the complex and evolving nature of the journey from military service to civilian life, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and continuous adaptation.

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As individuals approach the midpoint of their careers or even later stages, a significant number of people encounter similar challenges to Porthouse’s experiences during his military-to-civilian transition. Many grapple with the tendency to underestimate their abilities and undervalue the wealth of experiences accumulated throughout their professional journeys. This struggle is not exclusive to those transitioning from military service but extends to anyone navigating mid-career changes or contemplating second and third acts in life.

For those with sons, daughters, spouses or colleagues in the military, witnessing the impending transitions these individuals will face adds another layer of complexity. The question arises: How can we effectively support them in this crucial phase of their lives? Whether it's re-entering civilian life or embarking on a new chapter, fostering a healthy mindset, reinforcing strong core values, and validating skills and experiences become pivotal elements in propelling individuals more efficiently toward a successful future. This emphasis on psychological well-being and acknowledging the worth of one's capabilities serves as a universal guide for navigating life's transitions, whether in the professional realm or during various stages of personal reinvention. This article explores cultivating a positive mindset, reinforcing core values, and acknowledging the significance of skills and experience with a brief application for each. Full article here: