The new year offers a prime opportunity for embracing change due to its inherent symbolism of fresh beginnings and renewed energy. But change can be hard! As the calendar resets for a new year, it signifies a chance for us to mentally reset, setting new goals and intentions. As we celebrate a new year, there is a certain amount of motivation and optimism as we reflect on our lives and imagine new beginnings. Some look to make changes physically by getting in shape.

Some want to make a change in their work, financial outlook or location. No matter what change, it takes a certain mindset of determination, tenacity and optimism to create positive transformations. Resolutions alone fail. Statistics reveal Statistics reveal that 9-12% of people keep New Year’s resolutions or at least are confident of their success. However, this is a time to create a supportive environment for encouragement and accountability for ourselves and others around us. Here, we focus on five mindsets that can aid us in making our transformative changes in the new year. Make sure you get your free download to make notes for embracing change in your life. Full article here: