When you’re not taken seriously it can evoke feelings of discouragement, frustration and even anger. When one feels like their work is overlooked or dismissed, it’s easy to dwell on the negative self-talk that any thoughts, opinions and original ideas will be disregarded and dismissed. This is especially disheartening when a great deal of effort and work has been poured into ideas and even projects that are then met with indifference or disregard. If you are like me, you have felt this before and it doesn’t matter what level you’re at. Others can make you feel insignificant and not good enough.

Before achieving immense success with the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling faced rejection after rejection. She was told that it would be best to keep her day job because she would never be a writer and especially writing children’s books. Writing children’s books wasn’t seen as a lucrative career. She persisted and eventually found a publisher that would publish her work. The rest is history. Her books aren’t just for children. Many adults, including myself, have read them cover to cover. And as far as a lucrative career, she is worth up to a billion dollars at this point in her life.

When dismissal of our ideas is repeated, it’s natural for our self-confidence to erode with the questioning of our worth or validity of any input we have given or any work we may have accomplished. Here, we cover some ways to combat the feelings of discouragement, anger and even giving up when you’re not taken seriously. We will focus on four ways. Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/not-taken-seriously