Did you know you can change your life in minutes? It sounds all-too-good to be true, but with a few principles and mindsets, it’s entirely possible! Some of the information in this article is based upon the podcast interview with Sandy Joy Weston, who exudes a firehose of energy and enthusiasm. She came up with her Wonderful Life System after creating a journal that just took five minutes a day for thirty days.

After releasing her project to the world, the five-minute journal failed and surprisingly, it failed with motivated people. But she found what did work. Putting together a simple system that would take just a minute to three minutes was doable. She found those same motivated people that didn’t have time for five minutes could carve one to three minutes of time out to journal consistently. I have expanded concepts with three principles here that have the potential to be life-changing, or at least life-altering. If you are at the point of asking “What’s next?” applying these principles could change your life, or at least motivate you enough to move ahead toward your next chapter of life. Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/change-your-life