I liked one of the travel tips shared with me by a cousin I had not seen in a long while so much that I applied it for an upcoming trip Greg and I were making to Italy. She had prepared a PowerPoint document and put it on her iPad with a day-by-day itinerary, train routes, walking distances to different locations and hotel information.

I set about creating the same sort of document, even though part of our trip included a Backroads Bike tour. What I found was it didn’t take long to increase my excitement and expectations for the whole adventure. After entering the amount of miles we would be biking for the six days of the tour, I started increasing my training. The wonderful additional surprise was the effect it had on my husband. He immediately started bumping up his workouts too.

Looking the amount of activity from hiking to biking, we both knew taking time to stretch every day would enhance our experience in the way our bodies would feel during the trip. This also would apply after long travel days. Here, we will share some planning tips as well as exercise tips with a great FREE download. Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/travel-tips