Both self-focus and self-confidence involve a focus on oneself. Both may have strong internal beliefs about themselves. Whenever starting a new business or through a time of transition, it becomes fairly easy to spend time with self-focus. There are bills to pay and customers to serve. Much of this may sound like just self-focus, but a certain amount of focus to develop self-confidence is necessary to sell and move forward in life.

I’ve worked in the area of the arts for many years and there is a lot of necessary self-focus within promotion. This is especially true for individual artists and actors because a certain amount of self-focus is necessary to exude the type of self-confidence needed in order to get hired. But merely spending time with self-focus and self-promotion can develop into an unhealthy narcissistic attitude. In this show, we will cover four healthy attitudes of self-focus that will exude self-confidence. Full article here: