Peter Wright has had much experience in building a new chapter in his life as he’s had to do it multiple times. He has both obtained wealth and he has lost wealth. He has lived safely and he has had his life threatened at gunpoint. Yet adapting a mindset that is thankful and grateful has kept him moving forward to create new chapters in life with his business and for him personally.

Peter lived in Africa for forty years and has currently lived in Canada for nineteen years. He went from employing 180 people as a business owner in Africa, to then doing the same jobs he used to hire others for when moving to Canada. Doing so took a humble shift in attitude and the willingness to do what it took to get back on his feet. Most listeners or readers won’t have to face such a drastic change in life, but the principles we cover apply in most every personal or business situation. We’ll expand on overcoming adversity, rebuilding after major setbacks, overcoming fear and applying habits. Full article here: