Many who are at mid-career or the halftime of life find themselves at the stage of life where kids or grown and starting their own families and are now embracing the role of a grandparent. The role of a parent has now expanded into a grandparent. Since most of us limped along in our parenting skills, wondering how our kids would survive a world that looked different than when we grew up, we wonder how our kids will ever survive the same process with a world that looks even more different and crazy.

Greg and I have adult kids and our roles have morphed as we watch our son’s journeys and pray for them daily. We realize there are those who have much more interaction and impact with their adult children, but this has become our role, mindful of daughter-in laws and their households. However, embracing the role of a grandparent is one we are fully committed to in the times we interact with our granddaughters. This article scratches the surface of possibilities, as we still feel like newbies in this process, but the principles are timeless and can be immediately applied and expanded. I hope they help stimulate your imagination! Full article here: