At mid-career or the halftime of life, many start thinking about constructing meaningful work that provides a sense of purpose, fulfillment, significance and satisfaction. Napoleon Hill (1883-1970), author of Think and Grow Rich said, “The soul of man is embodied in his work.” French philosopher Albert Camus (1913-1960) said that “Without work, all life goes rotten. But when work is soulless, life stifles and dies.” So when life got turned upside-down with shutdowns, many started evaluating their work situation. Currently, it’s become clear that crowded offices won’t be coming back anytime soon, even though there are some now demanding workers to return to the office. According to WFH Research, a data-collection project, six times more work was happening remotely in January 2023 than in January 2019.

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The article in Forbes entitled Top 30 Companies for Remote Jobs in 2023 confirms the popularity of work-from-anywhere jobs. However, the truly location-independent work is not as common, as many remote jobs have geographic requirements. FlexJobs lists 100 companies to watch for in pursuing remote jobs. Even though working from anywhere sounds ideal with its flexibility, meaningful work takes on many forms and doesn’t always include remote work or branching out on an entrepreneurial venure. Here, we cover five characteristics of meaningful work.