To be unbounded is to be free to dream big and it advances the message that you are a champion. With a little red wagon used to sell cookies and bread, carrying her babies door to door, Mary Crafts planted the seed of her dream as her own champion. From humble beginnings, Mary successfully built an empire, the largest catering company in Utah. Her guiding mantra is that one cannot build what they have not first dreamt and that dreaming is a prerequisite for achieving anything.

Struggle is a part of most any entrepreneurial journey. For many, the largest obstacle is what we see looking back at us in the mirror. Questions full of self-doubt arise such as, Do I have what it takes to be successful? Am I smart enough? and Do I have the right skillset? What about financing? Will I run out of money? Am I too old? What if no one takes me seriously? Those are the mental hurdles most have to leap over at some point. Here, we will cover four actions for living unbounded, for you are a champion! Full article here: