Something I didn’t understand for some time was that marketing strategies work hand in hand with sales. Unfortunately, for many companies and organizations, the sales and marketing departments don’t communicate with each other. This creates tension, unrealistic expectations and missed opportunities. Many creative artists, like myself, have stepped away from selling because we don’t feel successful at sales and don’t want to approach anything that looks like a hard-sell. For innovators, marketing tends to be creative and fun and is more easily pursued.

But sales is actually simple at its core. It all starts with helping a prospect to obtain what they want and need. The process should be very relationship-centered, which takes away the stigma of selling. When we focus on their pain, whether it’s fear or a dream, then move to identify the problem and help them verbalize out loud what they want, it encourages prospects to take action to get what they want and need. Here we cover some easy and logical steps to connect your sales and marketing strategies for the coming year, whether an individual or a company.

Full article here: