Michael Hudson started his Backstory Initiative because he had unresolved trauma in his past. This not only included abuse, but fear for his life. He decided to start sharing his story when he saw how others who were struggling could benefit from his experience. His mission became to interview 100 people and learn from the lessons they learned in their journey to build upon the principles he shares. Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/blog/backstory-initiative

Michael had to get beyond his own fear, not only of speaking out about his experience, but of possible rejection. This wasn’t about a pity party. He had to be brave enough to step out beyond his hesitancy and resistance. His story of getting beyond his past doesn’t just apply to those who have experienced abuse and trauma. The principles he gained and subsequently shares are universal.

No matter your situation or background, you may be feeling stuck, circling endlessly. The three main principles we share here may help you get beyond your fear to unlock the freedom for your future, especially if you have trauma in your past. Those three principles are: Doing the work, unlocking the lessons and moving on. Full article here: