Don't you want to buy more of what you love, which fulfills you deeply and holds a purpose in your life?  If so, stay tuned, as this money matterz episode of knowing your money frequency is for you. Are you happy with the relationship you currently hold with your money? Is what you buy in alignment with your core values? It is impossible to have a healthy money relationship if you have a negative money mindset. Having a good relationship with your money allows you to make better financial decisions. 

Don't you want to buy more of what you love, which fulfills you deeply and holds a purpose in your life?  If so, stay tuned, as this money matterz episode of knowing your money frequency is for you. Are you happy with the relationship you currently hold with your money? Is what you buy in alignment with your core values? It is impossible to have a healthy money relationship if you have a negative money mindset. Having a good relationship with your money allows you to make better financial decisions.