Welcome to Woman Leadership show. I'm Janet Aisyah and in this episode, I will be sharing with you on building my career while young.
- Build a career so can build independence so I can take a career break for almost a year
- Aging parents/young kids
- May have built financial reserves

Key Takeaways
- Start early to learn and invest
- Mentor and coach
- Hang out with average 5 people

I hope that through my sharing, it draws inspiration and personal reflection for you. I believe every woman can be a leader in your own way. Connect with me through Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. My links will be in the show notes https://shor.by/leaderonline

I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you tips and ways to realize your full potential as a leader on Woman Leadership. 





Money Blueprint for Women Leaders link



21 Ways to be Headhunted


Podcast Coaching for C-suites
